The Spanish government has shared its plans to open up the country in 4 steps beginning from 2nd of May 2020
The Spanish government announced this Thursday evening that there will be partial relaxation. On the Costa del Sol you may already from Saturday the second may go for a walk and do sports alone or with persons living in the same house between 6 and 10 a.m. and also between 20 and 23 o’clock. But only within a distance of one kilometre from home. This regulation is valid until 11 May, after that, phase 1 will be introduced and the rules will be announced later.
It is hoped that by the beginning of the summer season in July, all restrictions will be lifted to encourage tourism. Already two weeks ago many beach clubs in and around Marbella would have wanted to open the 2020 season, but due to the Corona crisis this was not possible. Also all restaurants in Marbella and the whole Costa del Sol will be closed until further notice. It is feared that many of the already ailing restaurants and bars in Marbella will not survive. Also the big well-known beach clubs like Ocean Club or Nikki Beach are making big losses and had to dismiss many employees. If and when beach clubs will be allowed to open this year is still in the stars, but it looks bad because with the distance keeping rule it will not work well in the otherwise so crowded beach clubs in Marbella.